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Welcome to Covenant Weekend 2024!

Click here to volunteer to help during Covenant Weekend.


St. Augustine's is a vibrant parish where its members are active in the many ministries that put our mission into action. 


What is Covenant Weekend? 

Each year, parishioners sign a Covenant where they commit to serving on one or more ministries for one year.  To present information about each of the ministries we hold a "ministry fair" that we call Covenant Weekend.


During Covenant Weekend, this year to be held after the 5:30pm Mass on Saturday, May 18th and the 10:30am Mass on Sunday, May 19th, ministry leaders will be available to provide information and answer any questions.   Ministry Booklets, which include a brief write-up about each ministry, as well as adult and youth covenants will be available for everyone who attends.


If you cannot join us in the Parish Hall you can review the Ministry Booklet using the link below and then complete the on-line Covenant form.


We invite you to sign up for a ministry or two that interests you!  Maybe something new and different this year. Or, the same ministry you served this past year (remember that you need to sign a new covenant since renewal is not automatic)


Once you've decided please complete the Covenant form below and provide your

  • email address

  • name

  • phone number

  • mailing address

  • Mass preference (if applicable to the ministry selected)


Then hit "Next" to go through the list of ministries. You can select as many as you desire.


Then hit "Send" to finalize your selections.  You will receive an email acknowledging your submission.


Your time and talents are a gift to this parish in whatever ministry you choose.

PL & W
Pastoral Council Representative - Dick Case
Parish Life & Worship Ministries

The Parish Life & Worship Ministries nourish and give direction to the liturgical aspect of parish life. These ministries ensure that parishioners are provided with opportunities to deepen their faith through a  variety of prayer experiences and liturgical celebrations.



Altar Servers

The Altar Servers assist the Presider at Liturgies/Services in order to promote a sense of reverence among the community. Altar Servers will have an understanding of liturgy as well as knowledge of “behind-the-scenes” preparation for Mass. Altar serving is open to Grades 4 and up. The servers have two training sessions a year and one general meeting. 

If any of these ministries interest you, please complete a covenant form below.

Parish Outreach
Parish Outreach Ministries

The Parish Outreach Ministries discern the needs of persons in the parish and wider community, especially the poor, and identify resources to meet these needs, enlisting the active cooperation of parishioners. These ministries acknowledge our baptismal call to service and work for justice. The ministries’ scope of responsibility is two-fold: to meet immediate needs and to work for changes in structures of society.


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Pastoral Council Representative - Lucretia Hudzinski

Church Candles

Bereavement Ministry

The Bereavement Ministry provides support and comfort on behalf of the parish to family members when they have lost a loved one. Please consider serving on this ministry even if you can only help on weekends.


Bethany Hospitality Committee: This committee prepares and serves a luncheon after a funeral in a relaxed and warm atmosphere. Members extend any assistance and comfort to the family and friends of the deceased that they can, and hopefully ease their pain from a very sad day in their lives. The committee meets at “every funeral we serve,” and an annual general meeting. Coordinators of the luncheon as well as people who cook and bake are needed for this ministry.


Lazarus Ministry: As the friends of Lazarus gathered at the time of his death, parishioners who attend the funeral mass at our parish do the same for those who have died, thus are called the Lazarus Assembly. There are no meetings, parishioners attend as members of the assembly when they are available and represent the parish family of St. Augustine’s.

If any of these ministries interest you, please complete a covenant form below.

Spiritual Development
Spiritual Development Ministries

Spiritual Development is a life-long process aimed at personal conversion and growth in faith. These ministries design, implement, and evaluate the total Catholic Christian educational and formational process in the parish. This includes sacramental preparation, formational and educational programs for adults, youth and children, and various opportunities for spiritual and social experiences.



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Pastoral Council Representative - Mary Ann White


Adult Faith Enrichment

Men’s and Women’s Spirituality Groups help participants to grow in their relationship with God. In each session, members share with each other their unique experiences of God in their prayer and in their everyday lives. There are two Men’s Groups. One meets on the first Saturday of the month from October through June, another every Wednesday morning. Women’s Spiritual Direction Groups and Monica's Circle.


Monica’s Circle is an evening of encounter with God and is designed for women of all ages. The bi-monthly mini-retreats include faith building activities where spiritual friendships are formed and prayer as community comes alive. 

If any of these ministries interest you, please complete a covenant form below.

Stewardship Ministries

Pastoral Council Representative - Angie Banes

The Stewardship Ministry makes recommendations to the Pastoral Council concerning all aspects of parish finance and budget; personnel, stewardship of resources, church and fund raising coordination, and upkeep of the physical facilities and properties of the parish. The activities and recommendations of this ministry are firmly rooted in the Biblical concept of stewardship.


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Altar Linens Ministry

The purpose and function of this committee is to keep the altar linens that are used washed and pressed through a weekly schedule set up in September.

If any of these ministries interest you, please complete a covenant form below.

covenant form

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Baldwinsville, NY 13027
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