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Easter Food  Collection
Easter Food Collection Header.png

The Social Action Ministry is once again collecting food for our Easter Food Program.

With Easter just around the corner, the Social Action Ministry will be collecting food for an Easter meal for families in need. As always, we appreciate your support and generosity. 


How to Donate Food 

  • Food Collection Dates: At Masses beginning March 29 and continue through April 13. 

  • Perishable Food - Please click the button below to use Signup Genius (available through April 9th) to sign up for items needed including potatoes, carrots, apples, non-refrigerated dinner rolls, and Easter candy. Perishable food items should be returned to the church only at the April 12 and 13th masses to ensure freshness.

  • Non-Perishable Food – Items needed are dessert mixes, soup, canned vegetables including corn, green beans, yellow beans, peas, canned fruit, and applesauce. 

  • Please ensure all items are not about to expire and place any food brought to church on the racks in the vestibule.  


Any extra food items we collect will be donated to the Baldwinsville Food Pantry to help others in our community.


Thank you in advance for your generosity.

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7333 O'Brien Rd.
Baldwinsville, NY 13027
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